Tuesday 29 December 2009

a month in writing... continued

After lunch, we all went back to the lounge. US and i started playing on my new ds game. everyone else was just sat around talking. Eventually mum decided to get puddings out and i made some chocolate sauce for the profiteroles. Not many people had puddings as the dinner was quite large.. About 11 o clock everyone went home.
On boxing day, M came over and we went to my grandparents for lunch and then dinner later on. After lunch we watched the new terminator film, which i thought was hopeless and had no story line to it. As is usual on boxing day, we played lots of rounds of cards. I tried to teach M how to play pontoon and brag, but he proved incapable of learning.. he was more interested in watching pirates of the carribean: at worlds end. Me, mum, dad and JL won quite a lot of money between us, but i think grandma won the most.
Sunday was a lazy day for us, we stayed at home chilling out and just relaxing after the two busy days we had just had.
Yesterday M had invited me round so after going out for lunch at the wing way and going to coventry, i went to his house. L had A round as well and so the four of us played guitar hero: world tour. After a while JB called us through to have dinner, chicken pasta bake with carrots, sweetcorn and broccoli. It was a nice meal and really chilled out and layed back :) After dinner, M, L, A and I went back to the playstation, but this time we were playing buzz. It was great fun. we played four different buzz games. I only really did well at the last game we played which was about films (my forte). Although i didnt have the most point at the end, i got the genius cup for getting the most correct answers, and i would have beaten the others if they hadnt kept stealing my points.. It was another good day with M :)
Today has just been another chill out day, i spent most of the day reading a book, and when i finished it i started the next one in the series :) at about 4 o clock dad said that we were going to pick up mum and so we went and then on the way back we stopped off at fosse park ( i didnt buy anything). While we were out i started talking to M on msn. He told me that i had to make a new post on here seeing as how i haven posted for over a month.. Up until he went offline at about 9.45 he has been telling me to finish my post.. (so you had better be happy now) but then, just before i finish it, he goes offline.. typical ;)

once again i am now up to date with things.. and next time i will post way before a month is up :D

a month in writing..

Once again i have neglected my blog.. M has been nagging me to do it for a while now but i just havent got round to do it.. and no it's not just an excuse..
I really shouldn't leave this much of a gap between posts.. i start to forget what ive done which isn't particularly good.. and so because of this little flaw, im going to be missing bits out..
School went on as usual through the 2nd half of November, we did mocks in all our subjects, i didnt do particularly well on them.. law and economics were the best, but then i knew i was going to fail maths and german is just wierd..
It was LM's birthday at the end of November and she invited a load of people to pizza hut for a meal, me included :) We all had the happy hour menu.. a started (potato wedges), an individual pizza (chicken thing) and a dessert :) me and LG decided to be different and had a dessert off the main menu, it was a giant cooked cookie with ice cream - it was very yummy :P When everyone had finished eating we started sucking the helium from the balloons that were on the table.. and all the left over balloons were takken home or let loose outside..
On the last wednesday before we broke up for the christmas holiday i had a warwickshire colleges, 5-a-side, girls football tournament. We all had to go if we could as we were taking 2 teams. We were playing at warwick college in moreton morrell which i think specialises in animal courses as there were several stables on site and other animal bits.. We were all set up to play football when we realised that the tournament was indoor and most people didnt have suitable trainers.. Thinking that it could be indoors i had taken trainers, astro turf boots and football boots with me (as well as my converse for while i was at school) and so was able to lend out my astro turf boots which helped. After all the matches with only the final to go, KEGS A team had won every match, and KEGS B team had won, lost and had a draw, which put one team in the final and one out. At full time in the final the score was 2-2 so we had to go to extra time, 4 minutes later each team had scored once, but the ref had disallowed the KEGS goal meaning we lost the match 4-3 on extra time.. In the bus on the way back to school everyone was saying how the ref was blind and that we should have won, but it was not to be..
Thursday was our last proper day of college seeing as we were finishing early on the friday. In german, we were watching films. I had taken a box of celebrations for me, S, T, J and D to share. DH had also provided us with some random germn snacks. Me S and D spent most of the lesson messing around on our phones on fb while trying to decipher what was going on in the film (it was all in german with no subtitles..). In the break between the double period, we asked DH to take some photos of us so we all lined up and DH took 3 photos off different peoples phones. Each photo was exactly the same but different because different people were wearing D and T's santa hats :P.
Friday was a normal day, the only difference was that i had to go in in the morning instead of the afternoon. Friday evening i went to M's house. As usual i had a great time with him. He always makes me smile no matter how im feeling, and i cant think of much that i would rather do than spend time with him :) (I know you are going to read it, so thank you :D).
It was my granddads birthday on the monday, and so we were invited round for lunch on the Sunday. M was also invited, so we spent the day with my family, only stepping out to take a stroll down the road. M declared himself my 'knight in not-so-shining armour because i kept slipping on the ice on the path. When we got back home, M and i kept to ourselves as usual in the playroon while the others did whatever they chose to do..
Id arranged for J to come up on Monday seeing as P was going to leeds for work for the day. And as promised she arrived just after 8 (in the morning). Mother took JL, J and I into Lutterworth so that we could catch a bus that would take us to Leicester. We arrived in Leicester 2 hours after being dropped off in Lutterworth!!! We then spent the day walking round highcross and the city centre, buying last minute christmas presents and other random things. It was dark by the time we got back to Hinckley but we still had to go to the chemists, so the 3 of us walked from the far side of hinckley to the centre of burbage to find out that the chemist didnt have the tablets i needed. When we got home, mother was already here and had started cooking dinner. 30 minutes later and P came to pick up J although he stayed for coffee and a slice of cake that dad had bought while he was supposedly working..
Tuesday and Wednesday were spent just lounging about at home and wrapping christmas presents. On thursday (christmas eve) M came over seeing as i wasnt going to see him for very long on christmas day. We ended up watching a dvd, as we usually do, while we ate and then until he had to go home.
I woke up late on christmas day, which is something i do very rarely. Mum then came in with breakfast and so i ate my breakfast in bed while pondering which stocking filler to open first. Then JL started pounding on the wall between our rooms and calling me to go into his room. Before i actually got up, he had pounded the wall several times, shouted me 3 times and texted me. eventually i got up, picked up my presents and went into his room where i climbed into his bed (with some annoyed muttering from him) and opened the stocking fillers :) i recieved the traditional orange and £1 and also harry potter 6 and some bath stuff :) when we went downstairs the 4 of us went and sat in the lounge to open the presents that we had under the tree. My main presents were a micro hi-fi component system for my ipod, a radley handbag, some charms for my bracelet, a ring, a ds game and some clothes. i was also given more bath stuff, chocolate, and some writing pads that match my school bag. Dad took me to M's house on the way to pick up my grandparents, where i opened my present from him (the clothes) and he opened his present(s) from me. It was very funny watching him do his, as they were in a box that was filled with polystyrene beans :P When i got home all the family was there and mum was finishing off dinner. We all sat down and ate our starters and the retired to the lounge to open the remaining presents before we had our main meal. Me and US were the only people to finish the whole plate of food.


Wednesday 18 November 2009


I dont have much to write this evening. Not much has really happened..
College is the same as ever.. work, hang out with friends, work some more, go home, work more..
the weekened was good..
me and dad went into Nuneaton saturday morning just for some odds and sods. Then we went to melton mobray with mum and we spent about an hour in a jewellery shop looking at pandora charms :) i spent £80 even tho i only wanted to spend £40.. :/ i was then taken to M's house and we had an awesome night in.

In the morning mum and dad picked us up and took us to epsom to see J.

And that's probably all i can say cos i cant think of anything else and true blood is on and i want to watch it cos i love it so much :P

Monday 9 November 2009

Good Times

Last week was halloween. But thats obvious.. Me and J came up with an idea of what to do for halloween, so me J, A and R all ended up going round to M's house because none of us were particularly bothered about doing anything fancy. The 5 of us played on the wii all night and ate pizza. It was a good night. M had asked me to take gh4 so i took the game my guitars and the microphone. When A saw the microphone he insisted that he used it, so in turns we had A J R and M all wailing into it..
The week was usual for me, school, homework and hanging around with friends :) but that changed on friday.. On friday when i came home after school i had to blitz the playroom and conservatory for my birthday party on saturday :D The conservatory was done quite quickly with just a few odd jobs to do on saturday but i did not bother with the playroom..
Saturday came and so me mum and dad cracked on with the tidying. At 9.45 a man came to fit a new carpet in the dining room which paused the cleaning. By 10.40 the house was clean and everything had been put away that was not in its correct place. Also JM and AW had arrived which was good :) JM and AW helped with the last few bits of preparing, including getting mattresses out the loft for people who were staying over :) Me JM and AW took a walk down to balloonatiks to get some balloons for the party - we were sent a very long way round to the shop and so it took a long time.. When we got back mum and dad had gone out to do food shopping.. we sat down and blew up the balloons and scattered them through the conservatory and playroom.
M and J came over at 4.30 just before my parents arrived with the food. The 6 of us then started properly setting up, including hanging lights, cooking food and putting sweets in bowls around the place. It was all systems go and everyone was moving very quickly. When everything was done, the boys went on guitar hero and me and JM went to get dressed ready for the party. As people started to arrive we turned off the wii and sat around talking. When everyone was here we moved to the conservatory turned on the music and the party really started. People helped themselves to food and drinks and i went around taking photos :P Nobody knew everyone who was going other than me, but everyone seemed to get on well enough :) A slowish song came on the ipod and me and jo did a kind of slow dance to it - was funny :P then i put 'a little piece of heaven' on and me and M danced as he promised :D Some of the others thought it was a strange choice of song but they didnt understand the significance of it :P
By 11 o clock there were 6 of us left, Me M JM AW JH and E, they were the people staying over :) The 6 of us moved to the playroom and watched the 'moulin rouge'. M ended up falling asleep on me even though he said he wasnt going to.. We finally did go to bed at about 2.30 although us girls stayed awake talking for a while :D
When i woke up on sunday, the others girls were still asleep so i went to see if the boys were up and ended up lying in bed with M talking to him and AW. Eventually we all went downstairs and i was able to open my presents :) I got a load of chocolate, a charm for my bracelet, slippers, pj's, 'where's wally' underwear, a book, a digital photoframe and a load of otherstuff as well as a load of £'s :) We had breakfast and then AW JM and E had to go. Me M and JH sat around talking until JH got picked up.
M had a race in the afternoon so dad took us to the track. JB came in and said happy birthday and we stood talking while M was racing :) M won!! he came first in both races :) and is now the 'anti-clockwise champion 09' :D MB was not happy, i dont think he was over the bumping from the last race, and apparently he doesnt like loosing.. But M deserved it :) JB brought us back to my house after the race and once again my parents were out so the 2 of us just messed around. My grandparents came over at 5.30 for dinner but me and M were going to Millennium fields to see the firework display :) it was very cold but the fireworks were good and the best thing was that i was with M :) We got back to my house had dinner with my family, talked for a bit, put some photos on my digital photo frame and then had to take M home.
It was a good weekend and i enjoyed it thoroughly :) The people who went to the party have said that they had a good time :) and i hope they did :)

That is me up to date again so..
..until next time

Thursday 29 October 2009


So its not been 6 days but that dont matter because its been less and i would have forgotten what has happened today if i left it much later..
We went to Epsom today to see J seeing as we have not seen him since half way through the summer holidays. Dad made me get up at 5 'o' cloick so that we could get down here in good time, it was horrible :( By the time we left home it was quite light so i was reading one of J's books all the way down here. We got to J's house said hello sat talking for about 5 minutes and then we all got in the car and dad drove us all to Brighton. It's been a while since ive been to the seaside, i suppose you could say the last time was when i was in Iceland but that don't really count. When we came out of the car park we headed away from the sea front and into The Lanes to do some random shopping. There were lots of jewellery shops in a very small area.. Eventually we were out of The Lanes and on normal streets with bigger shops around including a shopping centre. We went in but didnt get very far because J wanted to go to a vintage clothes shop. So we got directions to this shop and found our way onto a very busy side street that was lined all the way down with shops and cafes. As we made our way along i pointed out a few shops that i wanted to go into when we had been to the vintage shop. After stopping and asking for directions again we found the shop. It was more a warehouse crammed with row upon row of old clothes, including fancy dress costumes such as goofy, fred flinstone and big bird. J didnt find anything worth buying.. we went back to the shop i had pointed out and went to explore, in reality it was a very small section in a very big shop. I managed to find a hoodie that i liked so bought it and then decided i also liked other things including belts and bags but i didnt have any money and didnt want to owe my parents more than i already do. J was able to find some t-shirts in some of the other shops which he liked so bought them. Dad then took us into a red-indian shop with wind pipes and charms in it. While in there, i found a very nice leather jacket that i tried on. It fit and i liked it a lot and the sales guy even lowered the price for me, but i refused, saying it was still rather expensive and i had nothing to wear with it.. I am not dissapointed with my decision but i have said that i will get one in future. Also on the way back to the car, I made another life mission: to aquire a pair of rockport boots.
Now me mum and dad are sitting in J's room passing the time away while he is at a lecture at uni. We should be going out for dinner later but that is yet to come so obviously i cant write about it yet..

until next time..

Tuesday 27 October 2009

6 days later

As you can see by the date and the title, it has been 6 days since my last post. In those 6 days things have actually happened. I think i will now put a post every 6 or 7 days unless something brilliant happens. Anyway, back to the post..
Thursday was as boring as ever, just a normal thursday at school..
Friday however was different. Half term started on friday - the teachers had a teacher training day. So because i was off school, and M had been off all week for half term, i went to his house. D picked me up at about 1.30 and took me to M's. M was at H's house tho, so J went home and picked me up from their house and took me to H's house. It was L's birthday on friday which was why M and J were at H's house. L was very happy and hyper like most 2yr olds are on their birthday. It was funny watching him running up annd down the lounge with his lawnmower that produced bubbles!! M had been put in charge of keeping him entertained which was not a hard thing :) At one point, baby J woke up and started wimpering because he wanted feeding, so while H was making up a bottle for him, J got him out the cot and was just carrying him around the lounge. J then came over to me and asked if i wanted to hold baby J and so she gave him to me. Like all babies who are only about 6 weeks old he could not support his head and so he managed to faceplant my elbow at one point, he was quite sweet tho. When we left H's house we went back to M's and we spent the rest of the day doing whatever we wanted :) in all it was a good day :)

P, one of mine and M's friends asked if me and M would like to go into leicester on saturday so we did. Me and M met P at the clock tower and then spent the rest of the afternoon walking around being the fools that we are :) at one point P had to buy eyeliner for Z. He kept on saying that it was not for him which just made it sound like it was :P when he bought the eyeliner he even told the person behind the counter that it wasnt for him. The person just laughed. M had told me on friday that he was thinking of buying a pair of skinnys and so we spent about 30 minutes looking round for a reasonbly priced pair of skinnys for him. We found some really nice blue ones in topman and after a little persuasion M bought them :) While walking around outside, we saw a stormtrooper. P saw him and said that he had to have a photo of hom and the stormtrooper so he went over, put some money in his charity pot and i took a photo of them. When i got home and went on facebook, the photo was already up :)
Sunday was like a normal sunday for me.. I went to watch M race in the morning and then he came back to mine after. M won the race, he came 4th and 1st leaving him first overall because 2nd place had come 1st and 5th in the races. It means that M is now leading the combined championship by 2 points :D
Yesterday was great :) Me and LN finally arranged to go out after not seeing each other properly for over 6 months. We went into leicester and went to the cinema and did some shopping. At the cinema we saw UP. It wasnt actually as good as i thought it was going to be. everyone has been saying how its absolutely incredible, but it wasnt.. The rest of the day was really good. We caught up on everything that happened to each other in the past couple of months and just generally messed around. I think we iwill be going out again soon but im not sure, depends on what happens in the not too distant future..
I think ill leave it at that, not sure what else i could put anyway :)

write soon (hopefully)

Wednesday 21 October 2009

life today

i think i might be getting better at this, this is my second post in 2 days :P
today i had school as usual, i had to be in at 9 which was so un-cool ¬¬ functional skills was as useless as always. Me L and Ke had a good laugh through our frees before break and then law was as good as always :) footie was ok-ish, it was quite boring and very repetitive.
there is not really much i can say at the minute, because not much has actually happened in the past 24 hours.

write soon

Tuesday 20 October 2009

here we go again

Once again i havent actually posted anything for ages even tho i said i was going to do it more regularly. not much has really happened in the past month and a half. i got my GCSE results and i actually did ok with them, not all what i wanted but better than expected on some. M came round after getting the results, we went out for lunch with my parents to the wing-wah in nuneaton and then went to the cinema to watch g.i joe. it was quite good :)
school started again at the start of september. i left lutterworth :/ and all my friends :( i started at kegs and was not happy :/ i had no friends, i was the only one from my school, i did not know the place and my lessons were not particularly good. M was able to cheer me up every night when i spoke to him but it still didnt stop the tears. after about 10 days i became friends with L. L is in my law class and we have a good laugh, but she accepted me as a friend a introduced me to her friends LT LM Lu and D. now the 6 of us hang round together and go into town and all is good :) lessons have got better as well, law is now my favourite subject, german is easy sometimes, economics is complicated and maths is flipping hard but they are ok :) i am also on the school girls football team. although i have not made any 'friends' on the team i do talk to people and say hi to a couple of them when i see them about school.
Weekends are best. Its on the weekends that i see M. its become habit that i go to his house on either a friday after school or on saturday (as it was last week) and then on sundays i go and watch him race and then he will come back to mine. I always have so much fun when im with him, he always makes me smile or laugh even when im trying not to. i love him so much, he is one of the most caring people i know.
The weekend just gone i was only seeing M once so i think my parents wanted to get me doing something so i wasnt just stuck at home. They came in from shopping and said ''seeing as your not doing anything why dont you phone J and see if you can spend the day with her'' so as soon as i could i phoned her and asked if i could go down to her house. J told me i could go but she was helping people set up for A and I's birthday party and then she was going to the party in the evening. A had also invited me but i had told him i could not go, so me and J decided we would surprise him. Me and J went into town so that J could get a mask for her costume for the party. When we went to thorpe to help prepare the hall for the party A was there with I and her friends :) i got out the car and I saw me and came and gave me a hug, A actually looked surprised :) both A and I seemed happy that i was there which was nice :) me and J left thorpe after about an hour of helping so that we could go and get ready ourselves at J's house. J went dressed as cat woman, and because i had to go in fancy dress i went as little red riding hood's evil twin sister :P there were loads of people there. i only knew about 7 people. K was ice queen, P was a pirate, B was just some random person, A was ace ventura, Le was the genie and I was mother nature i think. The party was really good, there was good music, some provided by me, and i spent most of the time with A seeing as he was one of the people i knew better and he is a good friend :) i got picked up around 10.45 because i was seeing M on sunday which was good :)
When i was with M we messed around a bit and watched the F1 - 5 cars out within the first 2 corners!! It was a good race, and i had a good time although i got a stiff neck from how i was sprawled across M :P
after school on monday until i went to bed i was doing maths and german homework. It was so boring, i then spent the time before school this morning doing more maths, and then tutorial doing yet more maths before my double maths lesson. it was so un-cool!!
but for now i think thats me up to date at long last. i havent said absolutely everything, i cant remember some things and others im just not going to write about for various reasons.

write soon hopefully :P

Wednesday 12 August 2009

the new one

So this is the first time i have posted a blog for ages.
The reason for not posting anything is simple, i have actually been doing stuff. Which i suppose should mean i have been writing stuff about what i have been doing but i have not had the time to write it.

Anyway the past couple of weeks have been fairly good for me. Last weekend my parents decided to take me and J to Hunstanton, where we met up with C and N and all the kids :) we had a really good time although B was being a right sod to begin with. The 10 of us walked along the promenade, and me, A and C all went down onto the beach to mess around for a bit. It was fun, especially as the oldest kid was only 7 and that was B who stayed with C. When we left C and the others, me and my family went to Old Hunstanton to the beach there and then we visited all the places we used to go when we lived in Dersingham. It was a really good day, and i even managed to tan a bit!!!

For most of last week i was just marooned at home, as usual, but i was no longer bored so could do whatever i wanted, i mostly watched tv which is unusual for me, i hardly watch any tv at all now apart from at about 9 o clock at night :s but oh well. I could catch up on missed episodes of House and Charmed.

Friday was awesome, the best day of the week :D and that was all thanks to M. Because he was going on holiday on Saturday, we decided to get together on Friday. So M and his mum came to pick me up, early afternoon on Friday and we went back to his house. I stayed at M's house all day just doing random stuff. At about 4 his sister and nephew came round and then they stayed for dinner. L is not quite 2 and is really sweet. He is now getting to know me so not as shy around me as he used to be. But he has the longest eyelashes possible which just make him adorable :P So after dinner me and M retreated to his room so that we could watch a movie, while his family watched soaps downstairs. We ended up watching the Simpsons movie because i had not seen it before. And now to this day i have only seen approximately half of it. My parents picked me up at 10 and then about an hour after i got home the first text came. Me and M were then texting till long past 12 like we do most nights :P

It was K's 16th on thursday, so she had a party on saturday. R took Me, JM and B to the party, but we managed to get lost , so we wee about an hour late. We were in Sulgrave before B decided to phone K and say we were lost. K then told us tht we had to go back the way we had come and then turn out of Middleton the oposite way to where we had gone. When we were finally on the right track and quite close to woodfood, we started seeing signs for villages we had driven through like Sulgrave, which were straight down one road. R started to get quite annoyed :P The party was awesome :P K had a disco with around 30 people there. Of that 30 i only knew about 6 but some of the others new me from photos they had seen. Nearly everyone was drinking alcohol at the party, there was vodka and malibu in the punch and then lots of bottles of Strongbow. At the end of the party, a group of 13 of us all walked back to K's house, we were staying at her's in a tent in her garden. Only 3 of us were not drunk, and they were me JM and P. Once everyone apart the 3 sober people were asleep, the 3 of us started talking and messing about. We eventually got to sleep about 4 ish :P

In the morning, when I woke up there was only 5 people in the tent :S everyone else had gone home or to their various activities on a sunday morning. So the 5 of us were all messing round in the tent, and then P gets out 2 bottles of alcohol, which the 5 of us started drinking. D was the only boy to still be there in the morning. He was supposed to be gay, but when we woke up we noticed he had 2 lovebites on his neck from the night before, from one of the female twins :P Everyone took the micky out of him for it. The 5 of us then got dressed and we all walked up to the park where we messed around and wasted the morning or what was left of the morning :P P decided she had had too much to drink so was not feeling well, and then when we were at the park she soon fell asleep on a bench.

At about 1, PM came to pick up me, JM and P and take us back to Middleton. Me and JM had lunch and then PM took us into Banbury where we met up with T, A and I. The 5 of us ended up sitting in Spiceball Park eating Millies cookies :P Me and A were having a grass fight that eventually involved everyone :D Me and JM started taking photos, and soon everyone was in at least one photo, so we had memories of the afternoon at Spiceball :D

I think that is me all caught up with my blog posts. From now on i think i will write one whenever something happens, so that i dont have to be sitting here writing for absolutely ages, or nearly loosing everything that i had written ¬_¬

Anyway im off so

Friday 24 July 2009

bbq party

so today i went to a bbq :P it was great. P invited me after deciding that i was a friend to him :) even though we only really spoke for the first time in Iceland, although we have been in the same class at school for 2 years :S oh well, better late than never right?

so anyway, got invited to the bbq, and then P said that i could also ask M if he wanted to go seeing as i did not know many of the people going. As it turned out i only knew P, M and O. but i spoke to P(f) while i was there.
We had a good time :P
Me M and O were talking most of the time about purely random things including A being a zombie of all things :P but that was because P, Ma, H and T were all playing on a zombie game on the xbox and apparently they moved like A.
Some people might question the sanity behind a bbq in quite heavy rain, but deep down everyone knows it can be done and can be just as much fun as a bbq in bright sunshine :P
The food was good. We had hotdogs, burgers, pizza and other random stuff that everyone ate, and seeing as P is a vegetarian, he got veggie food. However, even though he had chosen it, he said 'its cardboard', and so refused to eat much of it. Some of the boys were drinking beer while they ate and P started getting VERY happy and would not stop laughing :P When P's mum came in to collect plates, everyone was laughing at P and his mum thought we were secretly filming her and so laughing at her.
When the boys decided to put music on, P put ABBA on and everyone started moaning while he was sitting next to P(f) singing and being totally random :P the same happened with MIKA.

After we had eaten, P managed to fall asleep against P(f) twice. It was very funny as it was just instantaneous :P. I managed to get a photo of him while he was asleep, which everyone now wants me to put on facebook, so i may do it.

Not really got anything else to say tonight, so i think i will go


Thursday 23 July 2009

random rant

ok, so this really is my first post, seeing as R wrote the last one for me.
God i love R, i dont know what i would do without the little mushroom. i certainly would not be able to go blindly walking down the street without getting wierd looks, as i would be doing it on my own.

So today has just been a normal boring good for nothing day, which basically means that while all my friends are out having fun, im stuck at home doing absolutely bugger all. ok its partly my fault, i could arrange things, but even then its a bit useless because of my stupid restrictions ¬¬

thankfully tomorrow im not at home all day :D i have managed to arrange with M to go to a bbq which should be lots of fun :D. (M being the sweetest most handsome boyfriend metioned last time). Not seen M for quite a while now :/ its strange, but oh well.

Right, so my dad has just walked in the front door. and he goes and says hello to J, and then, the first thing he says to me: 'why have you not done the dishwasher? im very dissapointed that you have not done it yet.'
where is the justice in that??
why do parents walk in and immeadiately tell you how disappointed they are with you? then they start arguing with you and then all hell breaks loose.
if i wanted arguing and seless stuff like it, i would just go to school.

anyway, enough with the rant.
today has been a useless day, might as well of had the house to myself. Mum and dad were at work all day, and J just stayed up in his room till about 6.
i suppose it will be the same every day for the next 6 weeks apart from weekends, when i plan to escape to M's house or go out with other friends :D

Anyway, cant think of what else to write for now so i think ill just leave it there.

untill next time

Wednesday 22 July 2009

howdy people

okay.. so i have no idea what to write and therefore R is in fact writing this for me xD
apparently my creative thoughts have utterly dried up, so yeah. i like green xD and am obsessed with the lyrics "monkey in the jungle" okay, so this is the first blog i've decided to start, mainly because R doesn't shut up about hers and it gets thoroughly irritating, so have given into temptation and started my own for reasons which will be later revealed :D
R in fact has to go home and write to all 3 of her blogs later. god only knows what about.. she tends to write utter drivvle to be frank.. hence why this is fairly wubbish. but bleh, people enjoy her rants :D i think.. i am actaully going to follow all her blogs so she looks popular, and if i don't, she says she will kill me and never talk to me again. so i think i'd better.. don't fancy dying right now
especially because i have the sweetest most handsome BOYFRIEND xD who races. alot. and R finds the concept of racing in go carts and trying to shove the cart forward by kinda thrusting your arse forward and looking like a pigeon in season HIGHLY amusing :D well, in all honesty, she is very easily amused but HATES this keyboard >.<