Tuesday 29 December 2009

a month in writing... continued

After lunch, we all went back to the lounge. US and i started playing on my new ds game. everyone else was just sat around talking. Eventually mum decided to get puddings out and i made some chocolate sauce for the profiteroles. Not many people had puddings as the dinner was quite large.. About 11 o clock everyone went home.
On boxing day, M came over and we went to my grandparents for lunch and then dinner later on. After lunch we watched the new terminator film, which i thought was hopeless and had no story line to it. As is usual on boxing day, we played lots of rounds of cards. I tried to teach M how to play pontoon and brag, but he proved incapable of learning.. he was more interested in watching pirates of the carribean: at worlds end. Me, mum, dad and JL won quite a lot of money between us, but i think grandma won the most.
Sunday was a lazy day for us, we stayed at home chilling out and just relaxing after the two busy days we had just had.
Yesterday M had invited me round so after going out for lunch at the wing way and going to coventry, i went to his house. L had A round as well and so the four of us played guitar hero: world tour. After a while JB called us through to have dinner, chicken pasta bake with carrots, sweetcorn and broccoli. It was a nice meal and really chilled out and layed back :) After dinner, M, L, A and I went back to the playstation, but this time we were playing buzz. It was great fun. we played four different buzz games. I only really did well at the last game we played which was about films (my forte). Although i didnt have the most point at the end, i got the genius cup for getting the most correct answers, and i would have beaten the others if they hadnt kept stealing my points.. It was another good day with M :)
Today has just been another chill out day, i spent most of the day reading a book, and when i finished it i started the next one in the series :) at about 4 o clock dad said that we were going to pick up mum and so we went and then on the way back we stopped off at fosse park ( i didnt buy anything). While we were out i started talking to M on msn. He told me that i had to make a new post on here seeing as how i haven posted for over a month.. Up until he went offline at about 9.45 he has been telling me to finish my post.. (so you had better be happy now) but then, just before i finish it, he goes offline.. typical ;)

once again i am now up to date with things.. and next time i will post way before a month is up :D

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