Tuesday 29 December 2009

a month in writing..

Once again i have neglected my blog.. M has been nagging me to do it for a while now but i just havent got round to do it.. and no it's not just an excuse..
I really shouldn't leave this much of a gap between posts.. i start to forget what ive done which isn't particularly good.. and so because of this little flaw, im going to be missing bits out..
School went on as usual through the 2nd half of November, we did mocks in all our subjects, i didnt do particularly well on them.. law and economics were the best, but then i knew i was going to fail maths and german is just wierd..
It was LM's birthday at the end of November and she invited a load of people to pizza hut for a meal, me included :) We all had the happy hour menu.. a started (potato wedges), an individual pizza (chicken thing) and a dessert :) me and LG decided to be different and had a dessert off the main menu, it was a giant cooked cookie with ice cream - it was very yummy :P When everyone had finished eating we started sucking the helium from the balloons that were on the table.. and all the left over balloons were takken home or let loose outside..
On the last wednesday before we broke up for the christmas holiday i had a warwickshire colleges, 5-a-side, girls football tournament. We all had to go if we could as we were taking 2 teams. We were playing at warwick college in moreton morrell which i think specialises in animal courses as there were several stables on site and other animal bits.. We were all set up to play football when we realised that the tournament was indoor and most people didnt have suitable trainers.. Thinking that it could be indoors i had taken trainers, astro turf boots and football boots with me (as well as my converse for while i was at school) and so was able to lend out my astro turf boots which helped. After all the matches with only the final to go, KEGS A team had won every match, and KEGS B team had won, lost and had a draw, which put one team in the final and one out. At full time in the final the score was 2-2 so we had to go to extra time, 4 minutes later each team had scored once, but the ref had disallowed the KEGS goal meaning we lost the match 4-3 on extra time.. In the bus on the way back to school everyone was saying how the ref was blind and that we should have won, but it was not to be..
Thursday was our last proper day of college seeing as we were finishing early on the friday. In german, we were watching films. I had taken a box of celebrations for me, S, T, J and D to share. DH had also provided us with some random germn snacks. Me S and D spent most of the lesson messing around on our phones on fb while trying to decipher what was going on in the film (it was all in german with no subtitles..). In the break between the double period, we asked DH to take some photos of us so we all lined up and DH took 3 photos off different peoples phones. Each photo was exactly the same but different because different people were wearing D and T's santa hats :P.
Friday was a normal day, the only difference was that i had to go in in the morning instead of the afternoon. Friday evening i went to M's house. As usual i had a great time with him. He always makes me smile no matter how im feeling, and i cant think of much that i would rather do than spend time with him :) (I know you are going to read it, so thank you :D).
It was my granddads birthday on the monday, and so we were invited round for lunch on the Sunday. M was also invited, so we spent the day with my family, only stepping out to take a stroll down the road. M declared himself my 'knight in not-so-shining armour because i kept slipping on the ice on the path. When we got back home, M and i kept to ourselves as usual in the playroon while the others did whatever they chose to do..
Id arranged for J to come up on Monday seeing as P was going to leeds for work for the day. And as promised she arrived just after 8 (in the morning). Mother took JL, J and I into Lutterworth so that we could catch a bus that would take us to Leicester. We arrived in Leicester 2 hours after being dropped off in Lutterworth!!! We then spent the day walking round highcross and the city centre, buying last minute christmas presents and other random things. It was dark by the time we got back to Hinckley but we still had to go to the chemists, so the 3 of us walked from the far side of hinckley to the centre of burbage to find out that the chemist didnt have the tablets i needed. When we got home, mother was already here and had started cooking dinner. 30 minutes later and P came to pick up J although he stayed for coffee and a slice of cake that dad had bought while he was supposedly working..
Tuesday and Wednesday were spent just lounging about at home and wrapping christmas presents. On thursday (christmas eve) M came over seeing as i wasnt going to see him for very long on christmas day. We ended up watching a dvd, as we usually do, while we ate and then until he had to go home.
I woke up late on christmas day, which is something i do very rarely. Mum then came in with breakfast and so i ate my breakfast in bed while pondering which stocking filler to open first. Then JL started pounding on the wall between our rooms and calling me to go into his room. Before i actually got up, he had pounded the wall several times, shouted me 3 times and texted me. eventually i got up, picked up my presents and went into his room where i climbed into his bed (with some annoyed muttering from him) and opened the stocking fillers :) i recieved the traditional orange and £1 and also harry potter 6 and some bath stuff :) when we went downstairs the 4 of us went and sat in the lounge to open the presents that we had under the tree. My main presents were a micro hi-fi component system for my ipod, a radley handbag, some charms for my bracelet, a ring, a ds game and some clothes. i was also given more bath stuff, chocolate, and some writing pads that match my school bag. Dad took me to M's house on the way to pick up my grandparents, where i opened my present from him (the clothes) and he opened his present(s) from me. It was very funny watching him do his, as they were in a box that was filled with polystyrene beans :P When i got home all the family was there and mum was finishing off dinner. We all sat down and ate our starters and the retired to the lounge to open the remaining presents before we had our main meal. Me and US were the only people to finish the whole plate of food.


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