Saturday 2 January 2010

New Year

For me this is good.. this is the first time i have done 2 posts within a week.. but then i do have my own personal alarm that goes off whenever i should make a new post..
M came round on new years eve, we weren't actually much company for each other as he was doing homework and i was helping round the house in preparation for J and her family to come. but he was there, and thats what counted.. It was quite a long day for me, doing various jobs to make the house presentable for our guests.. I only had to finish tidying my room, dust the entire downstairs, clean out oscar and louie, hoover the playroom and dining room, wash the floor in the playroom and lay the table.. I also tried to help M with his homework by mentioning films that he could use.
When M left and i returned home, i went and got changed and the ust chilled out for an hour before J arrived. When they came they brought all their stuff inside, took it up into the various room in which they would be sleeping and then we all started talking. It was fun lively talk and we all caught up with each other on lots of subjects. About an hour after them arriving, we sat down for dinner. I, being fussy, decided that i didnt want what the others were having for their starter and so mother got me a box of melon to chew on instead :P When we had all finished eating, mum, E and JL left to do some tidying in the kitchen, leaving me, J, P, and dad talking. Me and J started planning a gap year that we would take after our A levels so that we could go travelling around the world. We were also planning what countries we would go to and where we could stay ( with friends or family in that area). P and dad said that we could go as long as we got jobs and paid for some of it ourselves, which neither of us minded. E and mum however were not so keen, especially my mum..
When we all moved back to the lounge, we started talking again and then put on singstar abba, which J had brought with her :) it was great fun, we all joined in and all sang different songs. Me and J rocked, we got the highest score out of everyone on the duet mode :P We did a couple of battles as well where it was boys v girls. Girls won hands down and then got accused of cheating when P and dad were the ones trying to steal our mic..
We stopped playing the game at 11.50 so that we could bring in the new year. Dad maade us all drinks, some alcoholic, others not. We joined in with the countdown on the tv and then all of us raised our glasses and shouted 'HAPPY NEW YEAR' at exactly 12.00. We then all gave each other a hug (the men shook hands) and kissed each other :) I managed to find some crackers and all of those were pulled as well :)
At about 12.30 we went back to singstar because the boys wanted a re-match, the girls still beat them.. E decided to go to bed at 2, and the other adults not long after. JL started playing on his playstation and me and J went and watched 'Monsters v Aliens' in the playroom. I fell asleep half way through and was then very surprised when J told me the film was finished. Me and J went to bed about 3.20 and then stayed up chating about all things random (including boys). My last New Year text came through at 4.00, just before i went to sleep.
In the morning i was woken up by J's phone vibrating. When we went downstairs, everyone else was already up and breakfast was just going out onto the table. We all, sat round the table eating cereal, fruit and croissants. After breakfast people did whatever they wanted and about an hour later J, P and E left. Me and mum then played on the wii, i thrashed her at tennis and boxing, but she beat me at bowling.. JL and dad were watching Dr Who when we joined them. Mum then went to make lunch and we ate around 2 ish, leaving me 30 minutes before i was being picked up by M and JB to go out with them.
When i got picked up, i went back to M's house and M, JB and i sat talking for an hour, before we were due to go out to M's granddads birthday at his aunts house. While we were at M's aunts house, we sat around talking (and drinking tea for some people). His family were all very nice, and included me in their conversations even though most of them had only met me once. When toby (the dog) was let out, he came straight over to me and tried to jump on me before he could be restrained. This happened several times before he calmed down a little bit. Food was served at 7ish and it was a buffet type thing. everyone ate/drank what they wanted and then the puddings came out and were put away wen everyone had, had what they wanted. M was not feeling very well, and got gradually worse throughout the evening and asked if it was ok if we could leave at 9.20. JB dropped me off at home and i told M to go home to bed and just relax. Whether he did or not i dont know.. When i got in my parents and JL were watching Dr Who part 2 so i sat and watched the end of it with them. I was rather sad when the Dr died, and i dislike the new Dr quite a lot. He is not the same!!! i want DT back!!!!! After Dr Who we watched TP's 'The Hogfather' which is quite an awesome film :) When mum decided to watch 'Hannibal Lector', i decided it was time for bed.

That is me once again updated.. M you should be proud of me (and yes i know you reminded me that i needed to do it again but still..)
Post again soon no doubt

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