Wednesday 13 January 2010

college starts continued...

so its been nearly a week since i did the other bit, and yes i know i said i would do it on whatever day it was, but i was busy.. so im carrying on with it now..

sunday was just another chill out day for us :) none of us did much, although J did some uni work and i did some revision. After dinner we all sat at the table and played cluedo. Was a good game, although there was lots or debates over the rules even though we have had the game and been playing it for many years now. Eventually dad won although the rest of us were not far behind.

The first week of college was like any other before it.. the only difference with the lessons was that it was all revision for the exams in the following week. It started snowing on tuesday, and so (because the snow was quite bad) i got wednesday off school.. it was a good day to have off seeing as i only had 2 lessons. Thursday was my key skills exam. Because of the snow i was 10 minutes late, but thankfully they had not started, anticipating that somje people might be delayed due to the weather. The exam lasted an hour and a half, but both L and myself finished in about 40 minutes.. it was one of the easiest exams i had ever done..

Went to M's house on friday, after school. We did the same as we usually do when we are together, and as usual i had a great time :)

On Saturday we had to take J back to epsom. By the time we had left and got to his house, it was 4.00pm. We stayed to help him unpack all his bags and clean up a bit. His room was incredibly dusty.. While we were sorting things out, Li came in and asked if we wanted to join her and J for dinner. We said no because we wanted to get home because it would be a long journey back.. We eventually got back home at around 10.00pm and had food that was just lying around (either left overs or ready meals). M came over on sunday and again we did our usual sunday activities :) it was a nice, slow, relaxing day, just what i needed after a week of continuous revision and before a week of hard revision and exams.

Dad took me to college on monday, and the first thing on my agenda was the maths test i had been dreading.. i went into the hall, got my stuff ready and then went and sat down.. The paper was awful.. i managed to get all the way through the paper and had time to go over the questions i had missed or only half done. By the end i had done everything i could. Gma and Gdad were picking me up and taking me home seeing as i didnt have anything else on, and when i met gdad outsided the hall he said that every person who came out the hall had said that they hated the exam and thought it was really hard. That made me feel a bit better seeing as i wasnt alone in thinking that. The rest of the day was spent relaxing and doing more revision. Tuesday was a pointless day. We had to make profiling appointments with each of our teachers that lasted for 15 minutes. I made 3 of my appointments for wednesday, as i had an economics exam wednesday afternoon, but after making those 3, i was told that i could only see D on tuesday or thursday, which meant that i had to go in on thursday for 15 minutes!! I was not particularly pleased with the fact of that. When i got home i just did more revision and watched tv.. Wednesday was better.. I had to be in at 9.00am to see K for profiling and then just about straight after i had to see Mrs F and Mr H. The profiling appointments went by quite quickly and so i was then stuck for a couple of hours on my own with nothing to do before the exam. I ended up sitting at a computer in the study centre with my headphones plugged in watching the lion king 2: simba's pride. That took up most of the time and so when it finished i went and stood by a radiator outside the gym so that i could go and sit as soon as the doors opened.. The economics exam was actually ok.. I managed to answer every question and even had time to spare at the end. I left the gym feeling confident that i had done well(ish) and that confidence had me feeling good for the rest of the day..

After the economics exam i didnt have to go back into college for anything until monday because my law exam was on the following wednesday. I soent the time at home doing large amounts of law revision and just generally chilling out. Friday evening M came over. M is just so ''wonderful and amazing'' and i really dont know what i would do without him :).

Saturday was just another lazy day for me and the parents, we just did odd jobs around the house and did some shopping. I saw M again on sunday, went round to his house. We were going to go to priory park to watch a kartinng event but in the end we didnt go, but stayed in and watched a dvd.

The start of the following week was the same as any other. college in the morning on monday and then all day tuesday. Unfortunately, monday evening, the heating broke.. which meant that i was spending wednesday with gma and gdad because i didnt really want to spend the day in a rather chilly house. I was only going into college on wednesday for my law exam in the afternoon, so all morning i was revising as much as i could.

I came out of the exam feeling like i could have done a lot better. My timing had been really bad and so i didnt manage to finish the paper.. I wrote a lot for all the questions i did do, so hopefully i will get enough marks to make up for some of the marks i missed on the last couple of questions...

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