Friday 26 February 2010

Random Hack :)

Hello world, it's the mysterious "M" that the normal blogger is constantly refering too :)

Before I'd even started to write this, she's already instructed me too put the text in green, but i may just be a total REBEL and not bother. Mostly because I'm extremely childish, but also she doesn't blog often enough, and I need to give her a reason to come on here! I am forever telling her to blog, but to no avail...

Currently, I am engaging in my favourite past time, which is putting music onto her computer. It's not exactly a crime on the plus side- we both have the same musical tastes, so no issues there. It's just for my entertainment, saves me using Youtube when I want a song I've been listening to at home, and she hasn't got the album with it on her computer :) Spot of live Paramore, and some My Chemical Romance; Simply marvellous.

That is, unlike the fact she just read this over my shoulder... The plan still remains however to log off and get on Facebook or something before she has the chance to realise. Be interesting to see how that goes...

Preferably and ordinarily, I could and would write more than this on a post, but I REALLY don't like this keyboard. The keys are waaaay to clunky and solid, you have to really hammer them to get them to work, but not in the same way you would if it was knackered and/or broken. Does hurt one's fingers after a while to be honest.

Anyways, general writing part over, now to move onto the plugging. I do have my own blog, but it's just a school one for Media Studies; Not desperately interesting, but I can't not plug it whilst I have this golden opportunity. Visit for a gander :)

And now, my grand escape. You may see a blog appear thats NOT school related, thinking of doing my own, we shall see...

Thanks for (not) reading :)

The Mysterious "M".... ;)

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