Wednesday 12 August 2009

the new one

So this is the first time i have posted a blog for ages.
The reason for not posting anything is simple, i have actually been doing stuff. Which i suppose should mean i have been writing stuff about what i have been doing but i have not had the time to write it.

Anyway the past couple of weeks have been fairly good for me. Last weekend my parents decided to take me and J to Hunstanton, where we met up with C and N and all the kids :) we had a really good time although B was being a right sod to begin with. The 10 of us walked along the promenade, and me, A and C all went down onto the beach to mess around for a bit. It was fun, especially as the oldest kid was only 7 and that was B who stayed with C. When we left C and the others, me and my family went to Old Hunstanton to the beach there and then we visited all the places we used to go when we lived in Dersingham. It was a really good day, and i even managed to tan a bit!!!

For most of last week i was just marooned at home, as usual, but i was no longer bored so could do whatever i wanted, i mostly watched tv which is unusual for me, i hardly watch any tv at all now apart from at about 9 o clock at night :s but oh well. I could catch up on missed episodes of House and Charmed.

Friday was awesome, the best day of the week :D and that was all thanks to M. Because he was going on holiday on Saturday, we decided to get together on Friday. So M and his mum came to pick me up, early afternoon on Friday and we went back to his house. I stayed at M's house all day just doing random stuff. At about 4 his sister and nephew came round and then they stayed for dinner. L is not quite 2 and is really sweet. He is now getting to know me so not as shy around me as he used to be. But he has the longest eyelashes possible which just make him adorable :P So after dinner me and M retreated to his room so that we could watch a movie, while his family watched soaps downstairs. We ended up watching the Simpsons movie because i had not seen it before. And now to this day i have only seen approximately half of it. My parents picked me up at 10 and then about an hour after i got home the first text came. Me and M were then texting till long past 12 like we do most nights :P

It was K's 16th on thursday, so she had a party on saturday. R took Me, JM and B to the party, but we managed to get lost , so we wee about an hour late. We were in Sulgrave before B decided to phone K and say we were lost. K then told us tht we had to go back the way we had come and then turn out of Middleton the oposite way to where we had gone. When we were finally on the right track and quite close to woodfood, we started seeing signs for villages we had driven through like Sulgrave, which were straight down one road. R started to get quite annoyed :P The party was awesome :P K had a disco with around 30 people there. Of that 30 i only knew about 6 but some of the others new me from photos they had seen. Nearly everyone was drinking alcohol at the party, there was vodka and malibu in the punch and then lots of bottles of Strongbow. At the end of the party, a group of 13 of us all walked back to K's house, we were staying at her's in a tent in her garden. Only 3 of us were not drunk, and they were me JM and P. Once everyone apart the 3 sober people were asleep, the 3 of us started talking and messing about. We eventually got to sleep about 4 ish :P

In the morning, when I woke up there was only 5 people in the tent :S everyone else had gone home or to their various activities on a sunday morning. So the 5 of us were all messing round in the tent, and then P gets out 2 bottles of alcohol, which the 5 of us started drinking. D was the only boy to still be there in the morning. He was supposed to be gay, but when we woke up we noticed he had 2 lovebites on his neck from the night before, from one of the female twins :P Everyone took the micky out of him for it. The 5 of us then got dressed and we all walked up to the park where we messed around and wasted the morning or what was left of the morning :P P decided she had had too much to drink so was not feeling well, and then when we were at the park she soon fell asleep on a bench.

At about 1, PM came to pick up me, JM and P and take us back to Middleton. Me and JM had lunch and then PM took us into Banbury where we met up with T, A and I. The 5 of us ended up sitting in Spiceball Park eating Millies cookies :P Me and A were having a grass fight that eventually involved everyone :D Me and JM started taking photos, and soon everyone was in at least one photo, so we had memories of the afternoon at Spiceball :D

I think that is me all caught up with my blog posts. From now on i think i will write one whenever something happens, so that i dont have to be sitting here writing for absolutely ages, or nearly loosing everything that i had written ¬_¬

Anyway im off so

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