Friday 24 July 2009

bbq party

so today i went to a bbq :P it was great. P invited me after deciding that i was a friend to him :) even though we only really spoke for the first time in Iceland, although we have been in the same class at school for 2 years :S oh well, better late than never right?

so anyway, got invited to the bbq, and then P said that i could also ask M if he wanted to go seeing as i did not know many of the people going. As it turned out i only knew P, M and O. but i spoke to P(f) while i was there.
We had a good time :P
Me M and O were talking most of the time about purely random things including A being a zombie of all things :P but that was because P, Ma, H and T were all playing on a zombie game on the xbox and apparently they moved like A.
Some people might question the sanity behind a bbq in quite heavy rain, but deep down everyone knows it can be done and can be just as much fun as a bbq in bright sunshine :P
The food was good. We had hotdogs, burgers, pizza and other random stuff that everyone ate, and seeing as P is a vegetarian, he got veggie food. However, even though he had chosen it, he said 'its cardboard', and so refused to eat much of it. Some of the boys were drinking beer while they ate and P started getting VERY happy and would not stop laughing :P When P's mum came in to collect plates, everyone was laughing at P and his mum thought we were secretly filming her and so laughing at her.
When the boys decided to put music on, P put ABBA on and everyone started moaning while he was sitting next to P(f) singing and being totally random :P the same happened with MIKA.

After we had eaten, P managed to fall asleep against P(f) twice. It was very funny as it was just instantaneous :P. I managed to get a photo of him while he was asleep, which everyone now wants me to put on facebook, so i may do it.

Not really got anything else to say tonight, so i think i will go



  1. i love P's mum :']

    am i the only one to notice whilst P was going out with me, my friends were his friends, now he's going out with P(f) [liking the sneaky flower reference there xD] her friends are suddenly his friend. i feel quite soryr for him really :(
    i worry about him i really do.
    he falls asleep alot.
    he also sings mika very high pitched alot. O_O

  2. darling, little hint..
    OVERUSE on ":P" try a smile my lovely !!

    good barbeque thennn ? (:

