Tuesday 20 October 2009

here we go again

Once again i havent actually posted anything for ages even tho i said i was going to do it more regularly. not much has really happened in the past month and a half. i got my GCSE results and i actually did ok with them, not all what i wanted but better than expected on some. M came round after getting the results, we went out for lunch with my parents to the wing-wah in nuneaton and then went to the cinema to watch g.i joe. it was quite good :)
school started again at the start of september. i left lutterworth :/ and all my friends :( i started at kegs and was not happy :/ i had no friends, i was the only one from my school, i did not know the place and my lessons were not particularly good. M was able to cheer me up every night when i spoke to him but it still didnt stop the tears. after about 10 days i became friends with L. L is in my law class and we have a good laugh, but she accepted me as a friend a introduced me to her friends LT LM Lu and D. now the 6 of us hang round together and go into town and all is good :) lessons have got better as well, law is now my favourite subject, german is easy sometimes, economics is complicated and maths is flipping hard but they are ok :) i am also on the school girls football team. although i have not made any 'friends' on the team i do talk to people and say hi to a couple of them when i see them about school.
Weekends are best. Its on the weekends that i see M. its become habit that i go to his house on either a friday after school or on saturday (as it was last week) and then on sundays i go and watch him race and then he will come back to mine. I always have so much fun when im with him, he always makes me smile or laugh even when im trying not to. i love him so much, he is one of the most caring people i know.
The weekend just gone i was only seeing M once so i think my parents wanted to get me doing something so i wasnt just stuck at home. They came in from shopping and said ''seeing as your not doing anything why dont you phone J and see if you can spend the day with her'' so as soon as i could i phoned her and asked if i could go down to her house. J told me i could go but she was helping people set up for A and I's birthday party and then she was going to the party in the evening. A had also invited me but i had told him i could not go, so me and J decided we would surprise him. Me and J went into town so that J could get a mask for her costume for the party. When we went to thorpe to help prepare the hall for the party A was there with I and her friends :) i got out the car and I saw me and came and gave me a hug, A actually looked surprised :) both A and I seemed happy that i was there which was nice :) me and J left thorpe after about an hour of helping so that we could go and get ready ourselves at J's house. J went dressed as cat woman, and because i had to go in fancy dress i went as little red riding hood's evil twin sister :P there were loads of people there. i only knew about 7 people. K was ice queen, P was a pirate, B was just some random person, A was ace ventura, Le was the genie and I was mother nature i think. The party was really good, there was good music, some provided by me, and i spent most of the time with A seeing as he was one of the people i knew better and he is a good friend :) i got picked up around 10.45 because i was seeing M on sunday which was good :)
When i was with M we messed around a bit and watched the F1 - 5 cars out within the first 2 corners!! It was a good race, and i had a good time although i got a stiff neck from how i was sprawled across M :P
after school on monday until i went to bed i was doing maths and german homework. It was so boring, i then spent the time before school this morning doing more maths, and then tutorial doing yet more maths before my double maths lesson. it was so un-cool!!
but for now i think thats me up to date at long last. i havent said absolutely everything, i cant remember some things and others im just not going to write about for various reasons.

write soon hopefully :P

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