Monday 9 November 2009

Good Times

Last week was halloween. But thats obvious.. Me and J came up with an idea of what to do for halloween, so me J, A and R all ended up going round to M's house because none of us were particularly bothered about doing anything fancy. The 5 of us played on the wii all night and ate pizza. It was a good night. M had asked me to take gh4 so i took the game my guitars and the microphone. When A saw the microphone he insisted that he used it, so in turns we had A J R and M all wailing into it..
The week was usual for me, school, homework and hanging around with friends :) but that changed on friday.. On friday when i came home after school i had to blitz the playroom and conservatory for my birthday party on saturday :D The conservatory was done quite quickly with just a few odd jobs to do on saturday but i did not bother with the playroom..
Saturday came and so me mum and dad cracked on with the tidying. At 9.45 a man came to fit a new carpet in the dining room which paused the cleaning. By 10.40 the house was clean and everything had been put away that was not in its correct place. Also JM and AW had arrived which was good :) JM and AW helped with the last few bits of preparing, including getting mattresses out the loft for people who were staying over :) Me JM and AW took a walk down to balloonatiks to get some balloons for the party - we were sent a very long way round to the shop and so it took a long time.. When we got back mum and dad had gone out to do food shopping.. we sat down and blew up the balloons and scattered them through the conservatory and playroom.
M and J came over at 4.30 just before my parents arrived with the food. The 6 of us then started properly setting up, including hanging lights, cooking food and putting sweets in bowls around the place. It was all systems go and everyone was moving very quickly. When everything was done, the boys went on guitar hero and me and JM went to get dressed ready for the party. As people started to arrive we turned off the wii and sat around talking. When everyone was here we moved to the conservatory turned on the music and the party really started. People helped themselves to food and drinks and i went around taking photos :P Nobody knew everyone who was going other than me, but everyone seemed to get on well enough :) A slowish song came on the ipod and me and jo did a kind of slow dance to it - was funny :P then i put 'a little piece of heaven' on and me and M danced as he promised :D Some of the others thought it was a strange choice of song but they didnt understand the significance of it :P
By 11 o clock there were 6 of us left, Me M JM AW JH and E, they were the people staying over :) The 6 of us moved to the playroom and watched the 'moulin rouge'. M ended up falling asleep on me even though he said he wasnt going to.. We finally did go to bed at about 2.30 although us girls stayed awake talking for a while :D
When i woke up on sunday, the others girls were still asleep so i went to see if the boys were up and ended up lying in bed with M talking to him and AW. Eventually we all went downstairs and i was able to open my presents :) I got a load of chocolate, a charm for my bracelet, slippers, pj's, 'where's wally' underwear, a book, a digital photoframe and a load of otherstuff as well as a load of £'s :) We had breakfast and then AW JM and E had to go. Me M and JH sat around talking until JH got picked up.
M had a race in the afternoon so dad took us to the track. JB came in and said happy birthday and we stood talking while M was racing :) M won!! he came first in both races :) and is now the 'anti-clockwise champion 09' :D MB was not happy, i dont think he was over the bumping from the last race, and apparently he doesnt like loosing.. But M deserved it :) JB brought us back to my house after the race and once again my parents were out so the 2 of us just messed around. My grandparents came over at 5.30 for dinner but me and M were going to Millennium fields to see the firework display :) it was very cold but the fireworks were good and the best thing was that i was with M :) We got back to my house had dinner with my family, talked for a bit, put some photos on my digital photo frame and then had to take M home.
It was a good weekend and i enjoyed it thoroughly :) The people who went to the party have said that they had a good time :) and i hope they did :)

That is me up to date again so..
..until next time


  1. it was an awesome party :D
    happy birthday (againnn) ;D

  2. twas a good weekend :)
    i got to spend looooooooooads of time with youuu :) xxx
    bet you want next year to come around pretty swiftish? ;)


