Friday 24 July 2009

bbq party

so today i went to a bbq :P it was great. P invited me after deciding that i was a friend to him :) even though we only really spoke for the first time in Iceland, although we have been in the same class at school for 2 years :S oh well, better late than never right?

so anyway, got invited to the bbq, and then P said that i could also ask M if he wanted to go seeing as i did not know many of the people going. As it turned out i only knew P, M and O. but i spoke to P(f) while i was there.
We had a good time :P
Me M and O were talking most of the time about purely random things including A being a zombie of all things :P but that was because P, Ma, H and T were all playing on a zombie game on the xbox and apparently they moved like A.
Some people might question the sanity behind a bbq in quite heavy rain, but deep down everyone knows it can be done and can be just as much fun as a bbq in bright sunshine :P
The food was good. We had hotdogs, burgers, pizza and other random stuff that everyone ate, and seeing as P is a vegetarian, he got veggie food. However, even though he had chosen it, he said 'its cardboard', and so refused to eat much of it. Some of the boys were drinking beer while they ate and P started getting VERY happy and would not stop laughing :P When P's mum came in to collect plates, everyone was laughing at P and his mum thought we were secretly filming her and so laughing at her.
When the boys decided to put music on, P put ABBA on and everyone started moaning while he was sitting next to P(f) singing and being totally random :P the same happened with MIKA.

After we had eaten, P managed to fall asleep against P(f) twice. It was very funny as it was just instantaneous :P. I managed to get a photo of him while he was asleep, which everyone now wants me to put on facebook, so i may do it.

Not really got anything else to say tonight, so i think i will go


Thursday 23 July 2009

random rant

ok, so this really is my first post, seeing as R wrote the last one for me.
God i love R, i dont know what i would do without the little mushroom. i certainly would not be able to go blindly walking down the street without getting wierd looks, as i would be doing it on my own.

So today has just been a normal boring good for nothing day, which basically means that while all my friends are out having fun, im stuck at home doing absolutely bugger all. ok its partly my fault, i could arrange things, but even then its a bit useless because of my stupid restrictions ¬¬

thankfully tomorrow im not at home all day :D i have managed to arrange with M to go to a bbq which should be lots of fun :D. (M being the sweetest most handsome boyfriend metioned last time). Not seen M for quite a while now :/ its strange, but oh well.

Right, so my dad has just walked in the front door. and he goes and says hello to J, and then, the first thing he says to me: 'why have you not done the dishwasher? im very dissapointed that you have not done it yet.'
where is the justice in that??
why do parents walk in and immeadiately tell you how disappointed they are with you? then they start arguing with you and then all hell breaks loose.
if i wanted arguing and seless stuff like it, i would just go to school.

anyway, enough with the rant.
today has been a useless day, might as well of had the house to myself. Mum and dad were at work all day, and J just stayed up in his room till about 6.
i suppose it will be the same every day for the next 6 weeks apart from weekends, when i plan to escape to M's house or go out with other friends :D

Anyway, cant think of what else to write for now so i think ill just leave it there.

untill next time

Wednesday 22 July 2009

howdy people

okay.. so i have no idea what to write and therefore R is in fact writing this for me xD
apparently my creative thoughts have utterly dried up, so yeah. i like green xD and am obsessed with the lyrics "monkey in the jungle" okay, so this is the first blog i've decided to start, mainly because R doesn't shut up about hers and it gets thoroughly irritating, so have given into temptation and started my own for reasons which will be later revealed :D
R in fact has to go home and write to all 3 of her blogs later. god only knows what about.. she tends to write utter drivvle to be frank.. hence why this is fairly wubbish. but bleh, people enjoy her rants :D i think.. i am actaully going to follow all her blogs so she looks popular, and if i don't, she says she will kill me and never talk to me again. so i think i'd better.. don't fancy dying right now
especially because i have the sweetest most handsome BOYFRIEND xD who races. alot. and R finds the concept of racing in go carts and trying to shove the cart forward by kinda thrusting your arse forward and looking like a pigeon in season HIGHLY amusing :D well, in all honesty, she is very easily amused but HATES this keyboard >.<