Saturday 28 August 2010

Analogy of life, version 2

This is quite similar to another post i have done, but at the same time its totally different. It's like a different topic within the subject. A bit like geometry and trig are totally different but still maths.

The other post was about how life was like a story. This time its from another perspective.

I was listening to some music the other day and a song came on called 'River of Dreams'. Ive heard the song many times, but this one time i actually stopped and thought about what the lyrics were.

The line from the song that is the focus for this post is:

''We all end in the ocean, we all start in the stream, we're all carried along by the river of dreams.''

To me this means that life is a river. We start off small with speed and noise, but then as we get older we grow, get slower and quiter. Constantly twisting and turning, hitting barriers and then overcoming them. Other people join us and stay with us, helping us to grow even more, to overcome more obstacles. The end of life lets us join all those who have gone before us, into the on-going and un-known (yes this is controversial but it's an opinion).

The last few words of the line are ''We're all carrired along by the river of dreams''. This can be true for anyone. Everyone has dreams.. a dream job, a dream car, a dream of how they want their lives to be. Its just a case of reaching out to the dream.

The lyrics are accurate because people strive to get to what they want (their dreams) and so move forward in life trying to follow a dream, decisions are based on that dream, and as you get older and you change as a person, the dream changes as well, and yet you still reach out and follow it.
We are carried through life by our dreams.
We are carried along our river of life by our dreams.

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