Thursday 29 October 2009


So its not been 6 days but that dont matter because its been less and i would have forgotten what has happened today if i left it much later..
We went to Epsom today to see J seeing as we have not seen him since half way through the summer holidays. Dad made me get up at 5 'o' cloick so that we could get down here in good time, it was horrible :( By the time we left home it was quite light so i was reading one of J's books all the way down here. We got to J's house said hello sat talking for about 5 minutes and then we all got in the car and dad drove us all to Brighton. It's been a while since ive been to the seaside, i suppose you could say the last time was when i was in Iceland but that don't really count. When we came out of the car park we headed away from the sea front and into The Lanes to do some random shopping. There were lots of jewellery shops in a very small area.. Eventually we were out of The Lanes and on normal streets with bigger shops around including a shopping centre. We went in but didnt get very far because J wanted to go to a vintage clothes shop. So we got directions to this shop and found our way onto a very busy side street that was lined all the way down with shops and cafes. As we made our way along i pointed out a few shops that i wanted to go into when we had been to the vintage shop. After stopping and asking for directions again we found the shop. It was more a warehouse crammed with row upon row of old clothes, including fancy dress costumes such as goofy, fred flinstone and big bird. J didnt find anything worth buying.. we went back to the shop i had pointed out and went to explore, in reality it was a very small section in a very big shop. I managed to find a hoodie that i liked so bought it and then decided i also liked other things including belts and bags but i didnt have any money and didnt want to owe my parents more than i already do. J was able to find some t-shirts in some of the other shops which he liked so bought them. Dad then took us into a red-indian shop with wind pipes and charms in it. While in there, i found a very nice leather jacket that i tried on. It fit and i liked it a lot and the sales guy even lowered the price for me, but i refused, saying it was still rather expensive and i had nothing to wear with it.. I am not dissapointed with my decision but i have said that i will get one in future. Also on the way back to the car, I made another life mission: to aquire a pair of rockport boots.
Now me mum and dad are sitting in J's room passing the time away while he is at a lecture at uni. We should be going out for dinner later but that is yet to come so obviously i cant write about it yet..

until next time..

Tuesday 27 October 2009

6 days later

As you can see by the date and the title, it has been 6 days since my last post. In those 6 days things have actually happened. I think i will now put a post every 6 or 7 days unless something brilliant happens. Anyway, back to the post..
Thursday was as boring as ever, just a normal thursday at school..
Friday however was different. Half term started on friday - the teachers had a teacher training day. So because i was off school, and M had been off all week for half term, i went to his house. D picked me up at about 1.30 and took me to M's. M was at H's house tho, so J went home and picked me up from their house and took me to H's house. It was L's birthday on friday which was why M and J were at H's house. L was very happy and hyper like most 2yr olds are on their birthday. It was funny watching him running up annd down the lounge with his lawnmower that produced bubbles!! M had been put in charge of keeping him entertained which was not a hard thing :) At one point, baby J woke up and started wimpering because he wanted feeding, so while H was making up a bottle for him, J got him out the cot and was just carrying him around the lounge. J then came over to me and asked if i wanted to hold baby J and so she gave him to me. Like all babies who are only about 6 weeks old he could not support his head and so he managed to faceplant my elbow at one point, he was quite sweet tho. When we left H's house we went back to M's and we spent the rest of the day doing whatever we wanted :) in all it was a good day :)

P, one of mine and M's friends asked if me and M would like to go into leicester on saturday so we did. Me and M met P at the clock tower and then spent the rest of the afternoon walking around being the fools that we are :) at one point P had to buy eyeliner for Z. He kept on saying that it was not for him which just made it sound like it was :P when he bought the eyeliner he even told the person behind the counter that it wasnt for him. The person just laughed. M had told me on friday that he was thinking of buying a pair of skinnys and so we spent about 30 minutes looking round for a reasonbly priced pair of skinnys for him. We found some really nice blue ones in topman and after a little persuasion M bought them :) While walking around outside, we saw a stormtrooper. P saw him and said that he had to have a photo of hom and the stormtrooper so he went over, put some money in his charity pot and i took a photo of them. When i got home and went on facebook, the photo was already up :)
Sunday was like a normal sunday for me.. I went to watch M race in the morning and then he came back to mine after. M won the race, he came 4th and 1st leaving him first overall because 2nd place had come 1st and 5th in the races. It means that M is now leading the combined championship by 2 points :D
Yesterday was great :) Me and LN finally arranged to go out after not seeing each other properly for over 6 months. We went into leicester and went to the cinema and did some shopping. At the cinema we saw UP. It wasnt actually as good as i thought it was going to be. everyone has been saying how its absolutely incredible, but it wasnt.. The rest of the day was really good. We caught up on everything that happened to each other in the past couple of months and just generally messed around. I think we iwill be going out again soon but im not sure, depends on what happens in the not too distant future..
I think ill leave it at that, not sure what else i could put anyway :)

write soon (hopefully)

Wednesday 21 October 2009

life today

i think i might be getting better at this, this is my second post in 2 days :P
today i had school as usual, i had to be in at 9 which was so un-cool ¬¬ functional skills was as useless as always. Me L and Ke had a good laugh through our frees before break and then law was as good as always :) footie was ok-ish, it was quite boring and very repetitive.
there is not really much i can say at the minute, because not much has actually happened in the past 24 hours.

write soon

Tuesday 20 October 2009

here we go again

Once again i havent actually posted anything for ages even tho i said i was going to do it more regularly. not much has really happened in the past month and a half. i got my GCSE results and i actually did ok with them, not all what i wanted but better than expected on some. M came round after getting the results, we went out for lunch with my parents to the wing-wah in nuneaton and then went to the cinema to watch g.i joe. it was quite good :)
school started again at the start of september. i left lutterworth :/ and all my friends :( i started at kegs and was not happy :/ i had no friends, i was the only one from my school, i did not know the place and my lessons were not particularly good. M was able to cheer me up every night when i spoke to him but it still didnt stop the tears. after about 10 days i became friends with L. L is in my law class and we have a good laugh, but she accepted me as a friend a introduced me to her friends LT LM Lu and D. now the 6 of us hang round together and go into town and all is good :) lessons have got better as well, law is now my favourite subject, german is easy sometimes, economics is complicated and maths is flipping hard but they are ok :) i am also on the school girls football team. although i have not made any 'friends' on the team i do talk to people and say hi to a couple of them when i see them about school.
Weekends are best. Its on the weekends that i see M. its become habit that i go to his house on either a friday after school or on saturday (as it was last week) and then on sundays i go and watch him race and then he will come back to mine. I always have so much fun when im with him, he always makes me smile or laugh even when im trying not to. i love him so much, he is one of the most caring people i know.
The weekend just gone i was only seeing M once so i think my parents wanted to get me doing something so i wasnt just stuck at home. They came in from shopping and said ''seeing as your not doing anything why dont you phone J and see if you can spend the day with her'' so as soon as i could i phoned her and asked if i could go down to her house. J told me i could go but she was helping people set up for A and I's birthday party and then she was going to the party in the evening. A had also invited me but i had told him i could not go, so me and J decided we would surprise him. Me and J went into town so that J could get a mask for her costume for the party. When we went to thorpe to help prepare the hall for the party A was there with I and her friends :) i got out the car and I saw me and came and gave me a hug, A actually looked surprised :) both A and I seemed happy that i was there which was nice :) me and J left thorpe after about an hour of helping so that we could go and get ready ourselves at J's house. J went dressed as cat woman, and because i had to go in fancy dress i went as little red riding hood's evil twin sister :P there were loads of people there. i only knew about 7 people. K was ice queen, P was a pirate, B was just some random person, A was ace ventura, Le was the genie and I was mother nature i think. The party was really good, there was good music, some provided by me, and i spent most of the time with A seeing as he was one of the people i knew better and he is a good friend :) i got picked up around 10.45 because i was seeing M on sunday which was good :)
When i was with M we messed around a bit and watched the F1 - 5 cars out within the first 2 corners!! It was a good race, and i had a good time although i got a stiff neck from how i was sprawled across M :P
after school on monday until i went to bed i was doing maths and german homework. It was so boring, i then spent the time before school this morning doing more maths, and then tutorial doing yet more maths before my double maths lesson. it was so un-cool!!
but for now i think thats me up to date at long last. i havent said absolutely everything, i cant remember some things and others im just not going to write about for various reasons.

write soon hopefully :P