Monday 26 April 2010

The 3rd Wheel

Its great being in a relationship. Nothing better than having someone there looking out for you. Believe me i know. M is just the best :p He listens when im rambling on, looks at me like im mad when im going crazy, and cheers me up when im down - and for that i wil be eternally greatful :)
But then someone else comes on the scene. A friend. But only known to your partner. And so the you start talking to that other person through your other half. Getting to know each other. Teasing the person in the middle. Becoming friends. Eventually you and your new friendbecome close, but you still dont know each other. The 2 of you still teasing the person in the middle. You are able to tell each other what that person is like at different times.
And then something happens that gives the opportunity for all 3 of you to be together at the same time. And you would be mad not to take it. And so you go. Anticipating the meeting with the unknown, with only what you have learned about them in the past couple of weeks to go on.
Then it happens. You are suddenly together. The 3 of you in one place. But of course there are no introductions because you know this person. You may not have met them before but you know them. And deep down you know you do.
Through the day you and your new friend talk. You smile. You laugh. You have a good time. Then your partner appears and wants to know why you are laughing and so you laugh even more and get strange looks off your partner. But they know that you are ok, and that you are having a good time. Throughout the day, as you and your friend carry on talking and laughing, your partner starts to get worried that you are talking about them, and no matter how much they want to know, they will not ask you what it was you were talking about. Because it is your conversation and they respect your privacy and know that you would never do anything to hurt or upset them.

This happens to lots of people. But to me this is specific to 3 people. A, M and myself. And to the day we spent at the track.
A is the great friend i first met yesterday through M and we got on brilliantly and i hope we will always be friends.
M is that person in the middle, the one who got me and A together. But he means so much more to me than i can say. And i know he will read this, and i hope this lets him know a fraction of how i really feel for him.

Thanks guys for everything :)

Tuesday 20 April 2010

The surrounding people

Everyone needs friends to surround them. Someone who will jump out at you shouting 'boo' giving you a heart attack, or someone who is just there whenever you need a hug.

Everyone has friends surrounding them. Even if they think the whole world is against them. No-one ever realises how many peope would actually do anything for them.

The best friends are those that don't do anything incredibly noticable apart from to their friends. This is the person who will think of thousands of ways to get even with someone who stepped on your toe. They will walk into your house, treat it like they would there own and not ask for anything but just get it. They will make you look like a total idiot and then join in with whatever it is you are doing. They will be able to get away with murder with your parents and manage to keep you out of trouble at the same time. And then when you go through a rough patch they will be there for you; supporting you the whole way; encouraging you; assuring you that things will get batter again. They will be there listening to you rambling on. They will let you ruin their clothes as you cry on their shoulder.
You never lose a friend. You might not be in contact with them for a long time, but the friendship will not dissolve. It will be there always. As strong and firm as it always was. You can argue with a friend and then make up and it will be as if nothing had happened. If you stop being friends for a long period of time you will most likely get a second chance later on. You dont have to live near to your friend. Sometimes the distance can be better, you appreciate each other's company more, and the time together is more special.

Everybody needs friends surrounding them. Everybody has friends surrounding them.

Wednesday 14 April 2010

Holiday Feelings

As you may have guessed from the title, this post is about school holidays. But before i get into it, i just want to clear one thing up.. For those of you who read my blog and M's blog, i did not steal his idea. He told me last week that he had got some inspiration and was writing a post. He did not tell me what it was. I then decided i knew what i wanted to write about. 2 days later, i read M's blog and realised we were writing about the same subject. However, this is a different approach to the subject although there are some similarities, but that cant be helped.

Feelings towards school and holidays are constantly changing. When you are little and just starting school, you love the holidays. But that is because your parents are not working (because you cant be left alone) you go on family holidays and you can do pretty much anything you like. Through primary school the holidays stay the same, you go on holiday with family, go round friends houses, go on day trips with a friend and their family etc etc.. You still love the holidays because you hate school. But then, when you get to high school and all the hormones set in, you start arguing with friends and have fall outs, which makes you long for the holidays, and then when you make friends again or make new friends, you dont care whether there is going to be a holiday or not because you get to see your friends everyday. And then the holiday comes, and you might not see them and you cant wait to get back to school.

Feelings for school changes parallel to the feelings for a holiday. Using myself as ann example, i used to love school (when i was little) but loved the holidays because of the free time, and the time to spend with my parents and borther. Then as i got older my parents started working more and more through the holidays and so i preferred to be at school because i could see my mates. At high school things changed and i hated school and so wanted the holidays even though my parents were not there. When i changed school again, i started to like school again because of my friends. This put a strain on the holidays because i had no way of getting anywhere and things started to bore me. It was harder to entertain myself for a couple of weeks. The through college, because of how i felt towards my school, i could not wait for a holiday, and yet, when the holiday finally arrived i could not wait to get back to college. Because there was still no way of getting anywhere to see anyone, everything gets boring after a couple of days and i was totally alone at home.

Also as you get older, you realise that the things that used to entertain you for hours now only keep you busy for a matter of minutes. This strains the holidays because you need to find more things to entertain you, which means that you eventually run out of things to do. Eventually you long to be going back to school/college/work and then when the time come you cant wait for the holiday and the cycle starts all over again.

Saturday 3 April 2010

An Amusing Hack :)

Hi, the mysterious "M" again! Just thought I'd post this picture because its funny, and then on with my true purpose for hacking.
I have a blog, as previously stated in the last hack of this blog. I just thought I'd take the chance now to plug the fact that I have another blog now, one that ISN'T school related!
Go on.... I dare you.... :)