Monday, 29 March 2010

Title comes last..

So once again its been ages since ive posted.. and so, because of that, im not going to go over what has happened in the past.. instead im going to focus on the now.. and also, im going to set an alarm on my phone so that i remember to post things.. :D This post is a bit different to all my others, but then i am a different person, changing all the time, for better or worse is for time to tell, but for now, this is me and this is what i am thinking...

This is very much like writing an essay, or a story.. you need a beggining, a middle and an end.. and then something to write about.. but then there is one more thing, a title. Most people say a title comes at the start, but really it comes at the end. Because it is at the end that you know what you are talking about, and you know what you have done and so you are able to give it an effective name, to sum it up, and finish it completely.
Another thing that is like writing a story, is life. You dont write it, but you live it. And you put into it everything and anything you want, and you control what is happening. The only difference between life and a story, is that you dont write the story of another person. You can influence their own story, but not manipulate it. You can include other people as characters in your story, but they have stories of their own to write. But again, only at the end can you really some it up and give it a title. Only at the end can you look at everything you have done and say ''yes i did that, and it helped me to accomplish everything and be the person i am now.''
Some people try to come up with a title for their life at the start of their lives and then spend years trying to stick to it, they accomplish hardly anything, only ever working towards the one ending. But then there are those people who write their story as they are going. Constantly changing it and putting little twists in. Going with the flow of everything around them and always looking forwards. These people will achieve everything they truly want, and will get there in their own way.

Some people who read this might not understand quite a lot of what i have written, or will see it a different way to me, but that is not for me to solve. I understand and that is what matters, because this is my story..

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

March 9th

I have not put a post on here for nearly 2 months no, and so because of that ive been bugged by M at every chance he gets. Yes M did hack my account, but i dont really care, he does whatever he wants :) but this is me writing not him :) seeing as ive not posted for so long, im going to skip bits because its all the same really.. i dont have an incredibly thrilling life.. its always college, homework and weekends.. the weekends are good and there are sections that i will highlight, but most will be missed out..

College has been the same since i last posted, although there have been no more exams. The rest of january passed quite quickly. It was JM's birthday towards the end of january and so i went to her house for the party and stayed over :) the party was awesome, loads of people turned up. I only really knew about 10 people, but i chatted with some of the others and everyone had a good time :)

Then it was back to school again on monday and the routine started again.. The following friday, it was LN's birthday and she had invited me and a couple of her friends out to dinner with her family, and so we went to Las Iguanas in Leicester. The meal was really nice, as were LN's friends and family, although i have known her family for nearly 10 years (scary) ;)

For the next couple of weeks everything was the same as usual. College monday to friday, and then see M friday evening and sunday. (there is a paragraph about the weekends coming up later on, just skipping through stuff at the minute) :)February 3rd marked mothers's birthday. Because it was a weekday she decided that she didnt want to do anything special for it. She got presents from all of us, and cards from all the extended family, but other than that it was a normal day for everyone.

and again for now i must depart. My dinner is ready. I will carry on tomorrow morning before college and then when i return home and have done my hw.
and so for now goodbye to whoever is reading this :)